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Iggy Magazine (french)

UNE PAUSE MUSICALE INTITULÉE CONTROL DÉVOILÉE PAR JACKSON DREYER - Malgré la multiplicité des genres qui existent aujourd’hui, la musique pop est une valeur sûre. Tout le monde devrait mettre un peu de pop dans sa vie quelque soit l’humeur , le jour ou les situations. C’est dans cet état d’esprit que nous avons le plaisir d’écouter Control de l’artiste américain Jackson Dreyer que nous vous recommandons.

Untold music promotion

Loaded with depth, this track features an evolution of discernment throughout. Listeners are drawn to the sincere, self-aware expression that Dreyer so skillfully conveyed.


Thread interview

“Ruin A Name” feels like a new arrival for me - it’s a venture into a sound I haven’t found before, and an energy level I’ve been hoping to reach. As always, the horns are a big part, but this is the first time I’ve really thought of their part as the hook of the song, says Dreyer.

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Coeur d’alene press

The song “Coeur d’Alene” doesn’t focus on Dreyer’s questionable teenage driving skills. Instead it paints a picture of what locals already know. He describes mountains that “go on for miles that are like memories of simpler times.” On the chorus, he reminisces, “I miss the nights we spent out on the lake. Those town lights reflecting on the waves.”


Underground music collective

Dreyer can also write a sweet jam, as we found out by spinning “Can’t Fake It” on this week’s UMC20. It’s a little bit of funk, R&B, and pop rolled into one, with one of the most pleasant voices we’ve heard in Nashville powering the whole thing forward.